10 Tips for Thriving as a Military BRAT

The life of a military child can be tough, but it can be so much fun! If you follow these tips, it can make this lifestyle so much easier, making you happier and enjoy it more!

1.     Embrace the lifestyle

It is really scary not knowing when you will be moving next, how long you are going to be at a duty station, having a parent deployed, making new friends etc. But, if you embrace the lifestyle and learn that every hard moment comes to an end, you will quickly find that military life is incredibly rewarding.

2.     Be flexible

One of the most important things to learn as a military family member is that plans are always subject to change. Just when you think you know everything is going according to plan, is the second everything is going to change. While it is hard, learn early that plans are going to change but you will learn so much along the way!

3.     Celebrate small milestones

Even if you think it is too small, celebrate anyways! As a child, I used to celebrate the days that I did not cry when my dad would be gone (I seriously have a notebook with a printed out calendar that I used to keep track of this lol). Each day of deployment that passes, celebrate! Each day until you move, celebrate that you get to spend it with your friends and you will soon get to make new friends!

4.     Stay active

Whether you love sports, band, choir, Boy/Girl Scouts, or another extracurricular, keep it going no matter where you move. Find your favorite extracurricular and keep with it everywhere you go – even try something new! You never know what you will grow to love and enjoy as you move around. There is always a new sport to try. 

5.     Form relationships

This can be hard knowing you will most likely be moving soon – or your friend is more than likely to be moving soon but you will not regret being friendly to someone else. Friendships are so important in this lifestyle so you always have someone to lean on when times get hard. More than likely, they have experienced something very similar to what you are going through!

6.     Talk about your feelings

Being a military BRAT is hard – it is not for the weak. Don’t be afraid to cry or to feel the dozens of feelings you may come across. It is all normal. Talk to your parents and let them know when you are struggling but also don’t be afraid to tell your friends or your teachers. There are so many resources and people who just want to listen and support you!

7.     Set goals

Do not – I repeat DO NOT – lose sight of what you want in life. Constantly set new goals for yourself and determine things that you want to do to improve yourself. If you play sports, try to set a new personal record. If you are living overseas, try to learn a new language. If you enjoy reading, try to read a new book each month. Find something that works for you and reach for the stars!

8.     Stay connected

Technology has advanced so much! Take advantage of that. Keep in touch with your friends from different duty stations. You never know, one day you may have the opportunity to be reconnected with them at another duty station, college, or even into your adulthood. Even stay in touch with teachers who were mentors to you. Many of them want to see you succeed even after you move!

9.     Stay informed

It can be really hard if you have no clue what is going on. Ask to be part of conversations of when you may move and to where. As your parents to keep you informed of what is happening in your parent’s unit. They will most likely be proud of you for wanting to be informed and be more than happy to tell you and keep you in the loop!

10.  Develop resilience

For most military BRATs, this will come naturally, for others, this may be a bit more of a challenge. Understand that you cannot control anything of this life. You have to release all of the control and be willing to be flexible. Remember there are always new opportunities and adventures to go on and adapt to the new area you are in.

Being a military child comes with unique challenges that not everyone else has to face, but it also offers a multitude of opportunities for growth, resilience, and building mental strength. Throughout the life, you are more than likely to be part of change and inspiring the next generation of military children to come. Embrace the journey you are on and know that there is a supportive community of other military children, families, and supporters who are there to help and guide you when you are in need. You’ve got this!


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